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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Welcome One And All

Welcome, fellow bloggers and blog readers. For the next... God, I dont know, hopefully 5 years? I, Dr. Boomdigga, (NOTE: Not my REAL name, but I shall remain anonymous) will be posting on this website, and will be recognised for the comical genius that I am. (fingers crossed) First things first, I shall tell you a little about myself. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, have three pets, and one *slightly* annoying pest of a twin brother (let us just call him Joshie) I am friendly, funny, and love a good sleep in until 9:30. (but only on weekends, I have school. *Sigh*)  I shall be posting about things on ym mind, things on OTHER peoples minds, and all around funny things.Please comment NICE things about my posts, and I will return the favour.( I am still thinking of ways to, though. How about a free hug?)

Rainbows and Unicorns,
-Dr. Boomdigga

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