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Saturday, October 16, 2010

My cats are driving me CRAZY!!!

SCENE: 3 AM, My Bedroom.
CHARACTERS: Me, My cat Barney.

Barney: Meooow?
Me: *Yawn* SHUDDUP.
Barney: Meoooooooow!!
Me: What do you want?
Barney: *Pauses for a moment* MEOW.
Me: Do you want to go outside?
Barney: *Thinks: WTF? NO!!* MEOW!!
*I pick up barney, and push him in my closet*
Barney (From inside the closet) MEEEEEEOW!!!!!!!
He always just wants food, too bad the food ISN'T in my room, Barney, it's on the other side of the house.

This happens at least 3 times a week. Stuff you Barney.

Scene: 5 AM
Characters: Me, my cat Daisy.
Daisy: Pushing her head up close to mine, and purring. *She doesn't talk, thank GOD*
Me: *Yawn* WHAAAT?
Daisy: Purr. *Pushes herself under my duvet*
Me *While smothered by cat*: Uuuugh.
Daisy: PURR.
THIS happens on weekends. Stuff you too, Daisy.

Fuzzy cats and getting NO sleep,
-Dr Boomdigga
P.S. Cats. Are. Driving. Me. INSANE.

1 comment:

  1. Btw, Soor I didn't do this week's FAIL Friday, I was too creeped out to think straight. *See yesterday's post*
