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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ginger Ninja!

Who is the ginger ninja? Does he exist? Well, of course he does! And that is why my job today is to find out who he is...

First off, the ginger ninja must have RED hair, hence the name 'GINGER ninja'. And I think I know someone who fits that statement...

Yes, Ronald Mcdonald. He has red hair, but, he is a clown. He would look just plain stupid in a ninja suit.

What a freak.

Ok, I've ruled out one suspect. Now let's move on...

Maybe I don't have to look to hard to find this mysterious ninja. Maybe he is right under our noses, in little old New Zealand. *GASP!* I think I know WHO!!

Yes, it is the marvellous Rhys Darby! But, wait, the ginger ninja is a silent and invisible to the naked eye. A ninja would not want to become famous! It would ruin his career if anyone found out that a super star was a ninja! And also, he isn't really ginger. So, I guess Rhys is not the ninja...

So, let's recap. 1) Ronald M. cannot be a ninja, for he looks stupid in a ninja suit. 2) Rhys isn't the ginger ninja because ninjas don't pull attention onto themselves, and he is a little brownish red.
Ronald McDonald
Rhys Darby
Mystery Suspect

Ok, one more go. I think I know who the ginger ninja is!!
YES!!! Of COURSE!! Ron Weasly! He knows magic, so he can make himself invisible AND Erase people's minds so it's like they never met him! It's GENIUS!!

All hail the ginger ninja!
-Dr. Boomdigga

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