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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Ok, I know I said that I don't like Halloween. BUT, you have to at least decorate your house for it, or else the kids who come are gonna think you SUCK. So, this is my idea for a house decorated for Halloween. 1) Find some crime scene tape from maybe a prop store, or something. 2) Fence off your drive way, but leaving a little part UNfenced so the trick or treaters can come in. 3) Get some white chalk, white tape, etc. and trace around someone lying down like they do on murder scenes. 4) Get LOTS of candy. Heck, you could even use a Pinata for the dude who got killed, and slice it open, so it was like it's bleeding candy. Stand by your door or have a bowl of candy ready. One good tip for trick or treaters: Don't give second helpings to kids you know you have already given candy too, because they may come back again. And again.

Happy Halloween!
- Dr. Boomdigga
P.S. Any chance you can spare some candy for me?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ginger Ninja!

Who is the ginger ninja? Does he exist? Well, of course he does! And that is why my job today is to find out who he is...

First off, the ginger ninja must have RED hair, hence the name 'GINGER ninja'. And I think I know someone who fits that statement...

Yes, Ronald Mcdonald. He has red hair, but, he is a clown. He would look just plain stupid in a ninja suit.

What a freak.

Ok, I've ruled out one suspect. Now let's move on...

Maybe I don't have to look to hard to find this mysterious ninja. Maybe he is right under our noses, in little old New Zealand. *GASP!* I think I know WHO!!

Yes, it is the marvellous Rhys Darby! But, wait, the ginger ninja is a silent and invisible to the naked eye. A ninja would not want to become famous! It would ruin his career if anyone found out that a super star was a ninja! And also, he isn't really ginger. So, I guess Rhys is not the ninja...

So, let's recap. 1) Ronald M. cannot be a ninja, for he looks stupid in a ninja suit. 2) Rhys isn't the ginger ninja because ninjas don't pull attention onto themselves, and he is a little brownish red.
Ronald McDonald
Rhys Darby
Mystery Suspect

Ok, one more go. I think I know who the ginger ninja is!!
YES!!! Of COURSE!! Ron Weasly! He knows magic, so he can make himself invisible AND Erase people's minds so it's like they never met him! It's GENIUS!!

All hail the ginger ninja!
-Dr. Boomdigga

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why do they hate us?

It seems like the whole of the country HATES us Aucklanders. Why? What did we do that made us be despised with a burning hatred? Did we eat your children? No, we did not. Many people say that it's because we are oblivious to what else happens around the country. Do you honestly think we are big air-headed freaks? We DO care about NZ, you just have a grudge. And the super city may more or less change the rest of NZ, at least most of the Nth Island. Don't think we don't care. We are not cold hearted. But, if haters are gonna hate, go ahead. We don't mind. Auckland is a great place to live, and people are very friendly. In fact, it just makes you haters look like you are jealous... : )

Love and Hate,
- Dr. Boomdigga

Monday, October 25, 2010

Please, don't judge the Chickens.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Why does a chicken's actions need to be questioned? Every hen or rooster in the world must be waiting for when, one day, it will get up to cross a road, lay an egg, or scream 'COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!' when someone will point menacingly and ask them, 'Why, WHY are you DOING that?' Those poor chickens never did anything to anyone, so why put them in the spotlight? They just want to live a normal, day-to-day life without anyone questioning something that will lead to a pointless answer, somewhere between a 'Ba KWAAA?' or a 'Cluck.' But seriously, if you annoy a chicken, it will probably come into your open window at night and peck your brains out. Brain pecking is something not to be taken lightly. Remember this for the next time you try to make a not even funny joke about why the chicken crossed the road. Dude, he got to the other side, everyone knows the ending.

Eggs and KFC,
-Dr. Boomdigga

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was banned from blogger from Tues-Thurs,
and spent my weekend in my Nana and Poppa's bach where you are more likely
to be eaten alive by a mutant squirrel than find internet access and a decent computer.

Monday, October 18, 2010

10 Annoying things to do at a Cinema

I have been talking about funny ways to annoy people with the friends of mine who are at my table at school. (Jarrod, Cameron, Paige and BFF Emma.) And I thought of a very funny list for my blog. 10 Annoying things to do at a Cinema. Hope you enjoy it. : )
1) Go to a sad film where many people die, or whatever. Whenever something real sad happens to a character, (i.e. Loved one dies) and they are in the middle of a cry fest, stand up, point at the screen and scream 'HA HA! SHAAAME!'
2) Repeat number 1 with a scary movie, but only laugh when everyone else is screaming like the little girls they are.
3) At a part of a movie you find boring, yell 'BOOOORING!' and throw popcorn at the screen.
4) During a thriller movie, and a killer etc. is shown on the screen, yell 'OOOOOH!!! OH OH OH LOOK! IT'S THE KILLER!!!' and point at the screen so everyone can get a good look.
5) Run up and down the aisles and pretend to be an airplane taking off.
6) During a real good part of the movie like when someone is telling vital info, scream over them 'OH OH! THIS IS A GOOD PART, GUYS! LISTEN!!! OOOH!!!' so know one ends up hearing them. *Thanks  for that one, Mum*
7)  Bring a few laser pointers, and point when someone has a close up one their face so it looks like they have bad as zits. *It helps to yell 'AAAARGH GROSS!' too.*
8) Sit by an empty seat. when someone comes to sit in it, quickly dump all the stuff you brought onto it and tell them the seat is saved for your pet Unicorn.
9) If you sit by someone with popcorn and they look away, grab some and stuff it into you mouth.
10) Go to a movie you've seen before and tell everyone what is going to happen like it's no big deal, especially during a really good scene that opens the movie wide open.

Popcorn and Choc tops,
- Dr. Boomdigga

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friend Request DENIED

I'm pretty sure everyone has this problem, and I'm also pretty sure everyone HATES it. So, let's say I'm happily scrolling through Facebook, and I happen to look at my new friend requests. Most of these people are either people I may have met at school ONCE, and some others are people from the other side of the world, say, India. Seriously, how did they search my name? They aren't mutal friends to anyone I know, and they always have the strangest profile pics. One had an Ed Hardy snake, which looked kinda weird. I have 56 friends on Facebook, *I think so anyway, I haven't been on in ages* while my BFF, Emma,  has 124. How? she adds The Simpsons characters. She has 10 Lisas, 8 Barts, 12 Homers, and tons of Mayor Quimbys, Barney Gumble, and Moe. Seriously, it's quite pathetic. *Yes, I DID go there.* Well, I'm bored, so I'm now going to search through the FAIL blog.

Likes And Pokes,
-Dr. Boomdigga

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My cats are driving me CRAZY!!!

SCENE: 3 AM, My Bedroom.
CHARACTERS: Me, My cat Barney.

Barney: Meooow?
Me: *Yawn* SHUDDUP.
Barney: Meoooooooow!!
Me: What do you want?
Barney: *Pauses for a moment* MEOW.
Me: Do you want to go outside?
Barney: *Thinks: WTF? NO!!* MEOW!!
*I pick up barney, and push him in my closet*
Barney (From inside the closet) MEEEEEEOW!!!!!!!
He always just wants food, too bad the food ISN'T in my room, Barney, it's on the other side of the house.

This happens at least 3 times a week. Stuff you Barney.

Scene: 5 AM
Characters: Me, my cat Daisy.
Daisy: Pushing her head up close to mine, and purring. *She doesn't talk, thank GOD*
Me: *Yawn* WHAAAT?
Daisy: Purr. *Pushes herself under my duvet*
Me *While smothered by cat*: Uuuugh.
Daisy: PURR.
THIS happens on weekends. Stuff you too, Daisy.

Fuzzy cats and getting NO sleep,
-Dr Boomdigga
P.S. Cats. Are. Driving. Me. INSANE.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The nose....

Look at it. This is why small children run away in terror when MJ comes to town. The REAL question is WHY? Why did he do THAT to his face?!? It's all because of his father, Joe Jackson. Called him 'Ugly', which probably mentally scarred him, I mean, he was WEIRD. You know why no one talks bad about him? Because he may be LISTENING. At least his music was good. His eyes, if you dare to look, are sorta bug-like. The nose is just... eww. Im actually scared of him. I will lie in my bed, praying to god he doesn't come back to haunt all the little children he never got round to freak out.

Sleepless nights and freaky faces,
- Dr. Boomdigga

P.S. Michael likes little boys. Watch out.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stop hoggin' them dang medals!!!

The commonwealth games. Pretty much the Olympics for nations once ruled by England with an iron fist. Right now the are being held in New Delhi. Many people are worried about the poor conditions, and the fact at how they have hired scary monkeys to scare off the monkeys that are pick pockets. I, am more worried about the Aussies, and how it is ALWAYS their national anthem played. Yes, yes, we KNOW you classify yourselves as a 'winning' country, but please, spare a thought for a NZ folk and stop trying to show off. Nothing ticks a Kiwi off more than the Aussies getting all the glory. There is some sort of fight going on between us, like we are siblings, both trying to see who's better. Of course, we would win, but the Commonwealth Games are really something the Australians are using as a little 'boost' into getting a better over-look as the best country. No wonder so many people hate it when they are overseas and peopoe ask what part of Australia we are from. *Of course, that wouldn't be little old ME, now would it?*

Golden Medals And Glory,
-Dr. Boomdigga

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Funny Facebook status!

Has anyone else ever been stuck sitting at your computer, thinking of a funny status to put? I have had this a LOT. But, I have been cheating recently, with funny facebook status websites. Here are my top 5 funniest from some of the websites I have been on: *BTW, I didn't rank them in any order, it was to hard to do that.*

1) Did you know that "Dammit I'm Mad" spelled backwards is "Dammit I'm Mad?" ...Your mind = Blown.
2) I believe that everything happens for a reason. Usually, the reason is somebody screwed up.
3) BEWARE: Today is ask a stupid question day. If you work at IT or customer service, you won't notice a change.
4) Chuck Norris and Superman once made a bet. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside.
5) If a giant talking rabbit were trying to steal my cereal, I'd probably be too busy screaming and stabbing to call him "silly."

Hope you liked them!

Likes and Tags,
-Dr. Boomdigga

P.S. Why don't you put in your favourite facebook status in the comments below?

Monday, October 11, 2010

New school panic attack

Since it is the first day back for term 4, it got all of my friends thinking: LAST Term for the YEAR. And, for us year 6's, that means AWESOME. Why? because we graduate from Primary, and go onto bigger and better things. (Also known as intermediate.) But it has got me stressing such things like : "OMG, a new school!!! I won't know ANYONE besides my friends who are going!!!!" Farm Cove intermediate is HUGE compared to my current school. Plus, it's so big they put kids in different AREAS. What if I dont get in an area with My BFF, Emma? I feel the need to hyperventailate into a paper bag just THINKING about it. But, I always sweat the small stuff, so I don't think this is will be as huge as I think it is. I mean, one time I was kept awake ALL night about the fact that my cat hadn't come in for the night, so he might have died. *Pfft, like THAT was plausible* So I guess I'm gonna have a great time at Farm Cove.

Paper bags and Heavy breathing,
-Dr. Boomdigga

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Halloween? Hmm, no thanks

Halloween is only 21 days away, and surpirsingly, NO ONE I know is excited. I have two theories for that A) We are kiwis, we dont believe in Halloween. B) We dont like candy (What? Of COURSE we like candy!! We invented the PINEAPPLE LUMPS, for Pete's sake!!) We are just getting too old. Remember when you would boast to your friends about how much candy you got last year, and what costume you're gonna wear? Now when you talk like this, you seem like a child. Last year we were all bubbling with excitment, but now it's gone. It kinda feels sad, knowing that the small kid inside of you is slowly fading away. It makes me feel like an emo when I think about it. But now for the list of things I shall hate when Halloween comes around:
1: Before I moved, we had a huge driveway. NO ONE came for candy. Now I live on a street close to my school. KIDS WILL COME RUNNING. I am NOT giving up my chocolate for a kid who's been taped up in toilet roll!
2: My dog will go NUTS when strange little people come to scream down my door.
3; Halloween has turned into CHRISTMAS!! All the stores are STOCKING shelf after SHELF of the stuff we dont even NEED! They put up all the stalls filled with M&M signs with the red one dressed as a vampire. What has the world COME to? I mean, New Zealand doesnt even CELEBRATE Halloween! It's An AMERICAN tradition!!!

Ghosts and Ghouls,
-Dr. Boomdigga
P.S. Congrats to the Fail Friday winner, Bike FAIL!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Disgruntled Youtubers

While I was searching funny Star Wars videos on Youtube, I came across this one video that had REALLY ticked one person off. The video was called "Luke, I am your mother." It was simply a video that instead of Vader quoting this famous line, someone had recorded over the word 'father' and turned it into 'mother'. It was only 15 seconds, but still, many, MANY ticked off commenters wrote the following: 'Waste of fifteen seconds of my life go crawl into a corner and die, why would you MAKE a video like that?!?' Which I am pretty sure is called OVEREACTING. But there was one person who must have just been really ticked off. They wrote of the following. "That was a complete waste of my time. I dont know WHY you even HAVE these many views. You are a stupid low life IDIOT who has nothing more to his life than a jar of peanuts. You should just not be even THINKING of doing another video like that! I hate you AND your video." May I remind you that was 15 seconds long, and it probably took the comment 5 minutes to be written. Think about it, ok? next time dont waste your energy and get ALL worked up over nothing, like many people do on Youtube (You don't want to become on of THEM, do you??)

Manners And Nice Comments,
-Dr Boomdigga

P.S. Remeber to vote for this week's FAIL Friday!! Check my last post and comment to vote.

Friday, October 08, 2010

FAIL Friday

The Weekend will soon be upon us, and of course we need something to make that weekend SPECIAL. So every Friday, I will have the readers of my blog to vote for the FAIL of the week. I will search ALL over the world famous Fail blog, and will come up with two epic fails. The first news headline of today is the following:
SHE THOUGHT CYCLIST WAS A TREE BRANCH. The article explains that a woman hit a cyclist, and failed to stop, and the cyclist hit her windscreen. She then failed to stop, dragging the bike for another 2 km. (Kilometers) FAIL number two is: FLORIDA MAN TRIES TO SHOO SKUNK, ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS SELF IN FACE. A man who was trying to scare a skunk away, loaded a .22 caliber with the butt of a rifle he found on the ground. The man said he didn't know a round was already in the gun, and he tripped the trigger, and shot himself. Now all YOU need to do is put in the comments below WHAT FAIL should be FAIL of the week. Results are shown on sunday.

Puppies And Cupcakes,
- Dr. Boomdigga

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Welcome One And All

Welcome, fellow bloggers and blog readers. For the next... God, I dont know, hopefully 5 years? I, Dr. Boomdigga, (NOTE: Not my REAL name, but I shall remain anonymous) will be posting on this website, and will be recognised for the comical genius that I am. (fingers crossed) First things first, I shall tell you a little about myself. I live in Auckland, New Zealand, have three pets, and one *slightly* annoying pest of a twin brother (let us just call him Joshie) I am friendly, funny, and love a good sleep in until 9:30. (but only on weekends, I have school. *Sigh*)  I shall be posting about things on ym mind, things on OTHER peoples minds, and all around funny things.Please comment NICE things about my posts, and I will return the favour.( I am still thinking of ways to, though. How about a free hug?)

Rainbows and Unicorns,
-Dr. Boomdigga