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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

How to annoy the Cleverbots

There is one website I LOVE. There are two plausible reasons for this: A) I LOOOOVE to annoy people, or B) Talking with a random stranger seems fun. The answer is, well, both. Let me give you a list of how to annoy cleverbot. *Cleverbot is a sort of chat room where you ask one person a question and they answer. But, most people use it just to talk.*

Cleverbot: ...It's not my birthday.
Me: SURE it is!
Cleverbot: No, it's not. Im sure I would remember my birthday.
Me: Wanna open your presents and have some cake?
Cleverbot: ...
Me:  : { D
Cleverbot: What was that?
Me: A moustached happy man :p

Hope you get the idea. : )

Annoying and Aggrivating,
-Dr. Boomdigga

1 comment:

  1. you do realise cleverbot is a robot not a person.
