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Monday, January 17, 2011

A little bit about me

I was just googling my blog (What? Don't you?) and a realised that I have barely told you ANYTHING about myself. Ok then, I thought, Time to get to it. So here is me, Dr. K. Boomdigga!

I am 11, turning 12 in April, and I am a twin. This, is what I look like;

Ha! Nice try! Rule one of Anonymous blogging is DON'T SHOW PEOPLE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!

I am a die-hard fan of Queen, anything from Star Wars, and Youtube. (Anytime I am not on my blog, I am watching Bohemian Rhapsody by the  Muppets.)

I am a straight "A" student, which does kinda suprise me, as I'm mostly the one getting told off for talking or passing notes during art.

I think that Facebook is overated, and I haven't been on since November, except for when I was forced because I was bored and there was nothing to do on the Computer.

I do think that covers everything. Oh, and by the way, I like swimming and I think Apples smell weird.

- Dr. Boomdigga
P.S. Don't you think it's time I changed my Profile picture thing? Yeah, me too.

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