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Monday, December 06, 2010

The best way to prank your friends!

Oh my GOD. You NEED to see this video! Click or copy and paste the link below!

If you clicked on this, you would notice it was a Rick Astley video. (I know of him because Of Meme base on the fail blog. You should check it out.)

If you want to pull off a Rick Roll, or you want to prevent being Rick Roll'D, you should read on:

First, you need to find someone who TRUSTS you. No use of even doing this if you have pulled pranks on them time and time before. You need someone gullible.

OK. So you have found your victim, who is totally unaware of this Rick Astley stuff at all. Tell them about this AWESOME video you made on YouTube (Or any video that does NOT say anything about Rick in the title.) And tell them to search it. Offer to show them the video right now.

See? It's simple! EXTRA CREDIT: Show them a video that starts of normal, THEN shows Rick Astley. Because if he shows up first thing, most people will realise what has just happened.

If you want to prevent being Rick Roll'd, DONT TRUST ANYONE. Easy.

See ya later!
-Dr. Boomdigga
P.S. Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..

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